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ruby and george go camping

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Yesterday was Oscar's fourth birthday.  I have to admit ... this one made me ache a little.  How did my baby get so big so fast?

Late last week I got into birthday prep mode, which explains why I fizzled out of kcwc.  Oscar loves camping and playing camping, so for his birthday, I made him a little felt campfire set.

But wait ... that's not Oscar, you say!  Well, after hours of embroidery, the campfire set was unceremoniously tossed aside in favor of his new Star Wars Lego sets (I could have seen that one coming).  Ruby, on the other hand, has been playing with it ever since.

I made the logs and fire using a pattern from the book, Big Little Felt Universe.  The only thing I changed from the pattern was to stuff the fire with polyfill instead of gluing the pieces together (in the book, it is flat, in kind of a tripod shape).

I also made a felt marshmallow that fits on a wooden dowel skewer after seeing something similar on a campfire set on Etsy.  I need to work on the proportions a bit, but maybe I'll post a template for it later.

I'm sure Oscar will get around to playing with it eventually.  In the meantime, this campfire is in good hands.

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