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headbands, headbands, and more headbands

I got a little crazy with the hot glue gun this weekend and made a bazillion baby headbands.  Don't worry, they are not all for Ruby.

 Not needing to re-invent the wheel, I used a bunch of tutorials from around the internet:

the purl bee - felt rose barrette
little miss momma - scrunch fabric flower pom pom tutorial
little birdie secrets - fabric rosebud tutorial
not martha (on holidash) - felt dahlia
i am momma - hear me roar - rolled felt flower

These are my favorites:
 After all that hot-gluing, I am a bit short on fingertips.

In other news, I inherited the crafty contents of my ward's Relief Society (the women's organization at my church) closet.  Which means I have a big box of vintage supplies.  Actual vintage, not "vintage."  I'm so excited.  More to come on that later.