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oscar's first sewing project

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Oscar has a special bear, named "Bear," or occasionally "the bear with the red shirt."  He has other bears (a.k.a. Bear's cousins), but this one is THE bear.

Oscar also has a special orange blanket, crocheted by my friend Megan, that he's had since birth.  One day Oscar brought it to my attention that Bear needed his own special blanket (rather urgently) (as in, right now).

We browsed the fabric stash and decided that Bear liked this train print (Riley Blake) and got out the sewing supplies.  Oscar sat on my lap and helped me guide the fabric to sew a simple quilt and pillow.  You can't see in the pictures, but we quilted along the wavy lines of the train cars.  Of course, I did most of the work, but Oscar really loved sitting at the machine, and his favorite part was stuffing the pillow.

Now that my kids are getting a little bit older, it is nice to be able to involve them in simple projects.  I hope Oscar will always think sewing is cool, but I have a feeling those days are numbered.

Have a great weekend!
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