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summer bucket hat

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Remember when I used to post on a regular basis?  That was fun.  Sorry for the long hiatus, but I was in St. Louis visiting my (really awesome) family.  I had planned on posting a little bit, but then, eh ... I didn't feel like it.  Instead I went on too many trips to the local frozen custard place, made late night taco runs with my little brother, and hung out with my mom and dad.  And one of my brothers got married!  It was all very exciting.

Less exciting was the weather there - it rained almost everyday!  So imagine my pleasure at returning to Santa Barbara where it feels like full-blown summer.  We are going swimming today.  Hurrah!

Ruby was in need of a sun hat.

Earlier this month I celebrated a birthday and my sweet sister sent me a copy of Oliver + S Little Things to Sew, by Liesl Gibson.  It is fantastic!  I seriously want to make every single project in the book, but especially have big plans for the puppet theater project for Ruby's first birthday, which is coming up fast.

My first pick was the bucket hat, which I made out of some cute Amy Butler fabric.  The pattern was perfectly easy and came together in just a few hours. 

Ruby's favorite part of her new hat is taking it off.  I think I need to add a chin strap (did you notice my hand holding the hat down on her head in the top photo?).

Oscar has already requested his own hat (with a truck on it).
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