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DIY molded crayons

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Sorry about last week.  I realized Oscar's birthday was quickly approaching (this Saturday - can you believe he is already two?!!) and switched gears to birthday party/gift crafting.  The blessing dress pattern is on the temporary back burner, but is back on the schedule for next week.

In the meantime, I have all kinds of party stuff going on.  What started out as a small and simple party is becoming a small party that I am making a million things for.  I can't help myself.  :) 

First up, race car crayons!

 The theme for Oscar's party is cars, so last night I made race car shaped crayons to include in the kids' favor bags.

You won't believe how easy this is.  (Sorry about the icky, dark action shots.  This is not a project you want to do with your kids around, so I took these in my dark kitchen at night).
First, break up your crayons and put them in a double boiler (I used a tin can in a pot of water).

 Melt them down over boiling water.  I used a wooden dowel to stir.

Pour the melted wax into a plastic chocolate mold (I ordered mine HERE).  DO NOT touch the tin can with your bare hand.  It gets crazy hot.

Let cool in the refrigerator or freezer.  When they are fully set, they'll slide right out of the mold!


So easy.  So inexpensive.  I used a Michael's coupon to get a big 120-count box of Crayola crayons on the cheap and was able to make 46 race cars.

With so many great chocolate molds available, you could customize this project to just about any theme.  I'd love to make a train crayon set or a zoo animal set.  How fun!
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