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getting aquainted with hair clips

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With a baby girl on the way, I decided I'd better start getting acquainted with hair accessories.  I've never really known what to do with my own hair and it generally looks kind of pathetic.  And I've definitely never put much effort into accessorizing my hair.

My point is, I have a real fear of my daughter looking like a rag-a-muffin, especially if she gets my curly hair.  You know who says, "you're so lucky to have curly hair!"?  People with beautifully straight hair.  I've never had a curly-haired person say to me, "I feel so grateful to have curly hair, don't you?"

I spent an hour yesterday afternoon making a couple of hair clips (for me - these are big clips).  The pink flower buds were made from leftover scraps from my cardigan refashion.

The white rose was made with satin ribbon.  I used a wide ribbon and folded it in half so the edges wouldn't show when I wound it up into a flower.

All of the flowers were hand-stitched together and hot glued to the hair clips.  So easy!  Plus, the clips were only $1 for the pack of 6 (found at Michael's), so this is a very cheap project.

I'd love to hear about your favorite tutorials or homemade hair accessory ideas (for mamas and kids!).
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