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KitchenAid mixer cover

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This week was my sweet mother's birthday.   I think I've mentioned it before, but my mom is a pretty incredible person.  Not only did she birth and raise eight uniquely challenging (not to mention charming and attractive) kids, the woman can make anything!  Like, for example, before Oscar was born I asked mom if she could make him a moses basket to sleep in.  She says, "hmm ... I've never made one, but let me see what I can come up with," and then proceeded to send me one so beautiful it made me want to cry.  She also bakes a mean cheesecake.

So for her birthday the gang all pitched in and we bought her a KitchenAid mixer (swoon).  I made her this little cover to go with it:

I was really nervous to sew a cover, because I don't have a kitchenaid and that makes measurements tricky.  So I put my trust in the internet and luckily, everything worked out.  I used this tutorial on About.com to make the cover, and it fits her 5 quart Artisan mixer very well (phew!)

Two changes I made to the tutorial were I added a full lining and the pocket on the side.  It was so easy!  If all my small appliances weren't hidden away in cupboards, I'd make a little cover for each of them.
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