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shirt refashion in two ways - part 2

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After my original attempt at refashioning this shirt failed (I sized the first one wrong and it was way too small - the post below is my second attempt), I had to come up with a plan B. And the ruffle pillow was born:

I've seen ruffly pillows around online (like here at kelly + olive), so this isn't a new idea, but making a pillow from a shirt is easy and fast, because all the hard parts are already done.

First I removed all the ruffles. Then I cut a 12 1/2 inch square of fabric from the back of the shirt, and a 12 1/2 inch square from the front of the shirt, centering it on the buttons.

I re-attached the ruffles to the fabric cut from the back of the shirt (the solid piece), which now becomes the front of the pillow.

With right sides together, sew around all sides. You now have a cute, ruffly pillow with a button-up back closure. Easy!

Here's what the back looks like:

Have I mentioned how my husband hates this ruffle-craze? Really hates it. And I am wearing a lot of ruffles these days. Oops.

I have a good sized piece of the original shirt left over from this project and I can't bear to throw it away. What do you think I should do with it?

I'm thinking it could be the top of a little girl or baby dress. We'll see!

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