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quiet book, page 2

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Page two is inspired by verse 2 of "In the Leafy Treetops."

This page is made with felt, quilting cotton, ribbon, a button and embroidery thread. Plus ...

... a little surprise for Oscar to find. Did you know that you can print pictures on regular fabric? It isn't quiet as vibrant as I'd like, but does the trick. Here's how you do it:

1. Cut a piece of freezer paper to normal printer paper dimensions (8 1/2 x 11 inches)
2. Iron a piece of white cotton fabric to the waxy side of the freezer paper
3. Arrange the photos you would like to print in a word document
4. Put your "fabric paper" in the printer, freezer paper side up, and print
5. Peel the freezer paper off the fabric
6. Heat-set with a hot iron and you are ready to use it in a fun project.

Since this is going in a baby project, and therefore very likely to be slobbered to death, I also covered my printed fabric in iron-on vinyl. I don't know if the ink would bleed without it, but I didn't want to take any chances.

I also sewed a piece of plastic inside the brown center of the flower flap, so it makes a pleasant (and still quiet) crinkly sound.

In response to some of your questions from the first post:
  • The background of the page is just plain quilting cotton. Actually, it is a pillow sham that I cut up.
  • I cut my white fabric into five 12x24 inch pieces. This will give me ten 11 1/2 inch square pages after seam allowance.
  • I am using a patterned piece of cotton cut to the same dimensions for the cover and plan to put a layer of very thin batting under the cover (and possibly between all the pages, I haven't decided).
  • The font I used for my text is called Joyful Juliana.
  • I'll put a set of templates together when I finish the book. I wish I had time to do it now, but I am rushing to get the book done as it is. Not a lot of time to spare because I'm moving! Eek.
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