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custom curtains on the cheap

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This isn't the greatest photo, but I've been holding onto this Better Homes & Gardens article since it came out in the February 2007 issue - it's all about how to customize curtains. (p.s. don't you love the turquoise curtain/paint? I totally wish I would have copied the color palate)

When we moved to a new apartment in July, I pulled it out of my notebook and got to work. I found and a zinnia stencil on Michael's website that looks a lot like the BGH stencil... and since we don't have a Michael's store in Manhattan, I made my own.

I bought a plain sheet of stencil "paper" (I don't know what else to call it. It is more like a thin sheet of plastic) at Lee's Art Shop, traced the printed-out zinnia graphic using a permanant marker, and started cutting away, scherenschnitte style.

Using fabric paint, I stenciled a sheer white Ikea curtain panel.

Yep, that is panel, singular. I have yet to do the other one.

I picked a sheer curtain due to my dark, alley-facing kitchen window. I need all the light I can get! If you are using sheer panels (or any thickness, really), make sure you cover your work surface with cardboard to protect it from the excess paint that seeps through.
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