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two crafts and a quick Q&A

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It's Friday night and I just woke up from a 4 hour nap that started at 7:30 pm - whoo! I really know how to party. Anyway, I thought I'd post a few things I made a while ago and never got around to posting, and briefly address some reoccurring questions I've been receiving in the comments.

First, the crafts, since frankly, that's more fun:

This is the first of three mum scherenschittes I plan to cut. Lest I fool you into thinking I am artistic, the design is not my own. I'm copying it from some artwork I saw at Art.com.

Second, here's another pair of baby shoes - I hope these aren't getting too boring. I spiced this pair up with a working button in an attempt to 1) learn how to use my button hole foot on my sewing machine and 2) try to incorporate a few of my own ideas into the Stardust Shoes pattern, or in the words of my dawg, Randy Jackson, "make it my own." :) (sidenote: are there any good american idol contestants this season? I haven't been watching)

On to the Q&A - here are a few questions people have been asking in comments and emails:

Q: Will you post a tutorial for your sock animals?

A: I will not post tutorials for the animals I make from the book Sock and Glove (which is most of them) - they are copyrighted. If you like them and want to learn how to make them, I encourage you to buy the book! It is a great resource, and an addictive craft. Click on the link above to buy it on Amazon.com.

I've had a lot of requests specifically for a tutorial for the sock giraffe. This is one of those rare items that actually came from my own head, so I could probably do a tutorial for it. But since that will involve making another one, it might be a while before I get around to it. Plus, I kind of like that it's one of a kind. :)

Q: Do you sell your crafts?

A: Occasionally, but usually just to family and friends.

Q: Have you ever heard of Etsy? Why don't you open a shop?

A: Yes! I'm a huge fan of Etsy - it is a fantastic marketplace and I do plan to open a shop (someday). A few things have been holding me back:

1) I don't feel like I have enough time for it at the moment.

2) I don't love mass-producing things. With a few exceptions, I usually will make an item only once, and then move onto something new. I get bored easily. I'll need to overcome this to commit to a shop.

3) I am only going to sell products that are my own ideas. Most of the time I borrow ideas/copy other people from around the web. It would be pretty uncool to start selling things that I'm copying from someone else. So, I want to come up with a few solid ideas of my own first.

I think those are the questions that come up most! I really appreciate your comments, and all the encouragement to start and etsy shop makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Happy Friday!
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