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Homemade Paper Roses

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I'm not making a tutorial for the paper roses because you can find a great one online at Martha Stewart. She even includes a video! I would highly recommend watching it once or twice before attempting this.

You will need very few supplies: coffee filters, sharp scissors, floral wire, floral tape, and watercolors (I used the super cheap $1.99 kind and they worked very well).

Here are some photos of the process - go to the tutorial for the step by step instructions, and if you get a chance, also check out www.mommymakesroses.com to see the original artist's work. Her roses are gorgeous!

This was a surprisingly easy project. It took me three tries to get it right, so I just have a few recommendations:

1. If possible, buy the flat coffee filters like the ones shown on Martha's video (not the kind that I had with the rippled edge). They will work the same in the end, but I ironed mine flat so they wouldn't be wrinkly

2. Be generous with the floral tape, and make sure on the first few layers that you tape down the floral wire at least an inch, and tightly. Otherwise, when you go to fan out the petals, all your layers will slide off the stem (attempt 1)

3. As you add each layer of petals, the tips should be slightly higher than the layer below. If you place them lower, the center of the rose will poke out high in the middle and it just doesn't look right (attempt 2)

4. I used tons of water with the paints to really dilute it. The rose is going to be totally soaked by the time you finish painting it. Use less water to color the tips for a stronger hue. It is okay that the petals stick together a bit - they'll come apart again when it dries.

I hope some of you try this out. I had a great time making them and will definitely make more. The most time-consuming part is just tracing and cutting out the petals. Building the rose is actually a pretty quick process.

Well, I'm off to get my wisdom teeth pulled. eek - I am so nervous.
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